Monday, January 7, 2008

Will he sleep?

Will Aaron sleep seems to be the question this week. Not at night but during nap time. He has been in his crib for about 2 hours and 15 mins. and is not asleep yet. So, do I get him up since it is 3:30 now or wait for him to sleep and have to wake him up so he will go down tonight? Ugh--this has been a test for me. I must remember God is in control of all things, including when my son sleeps. I must say that he is not crying and I am able to get some work done, it is just in the back of my mind I think of having to cut his nap short if he does go to sleep and how grouchy he will be. On top of that, my neighbor is taking advantage of the 70 degree weather and using a weed eater or something of the loud sort. Ok, no more complaining--I think he is asleep so I will have to wake him up in a little while.

Did I mention the 70 degree weather? NICE!!!! Can I keep it? Once again--God in control, not Shelley! But it is so nice, the dog stays outside, Aaron can run around the yard and I have the windows open to air out from cleaning the carpets. Couldn't do all that in 40 degree temps. Thank you God for the taste of spring in January!

It is hard for me to remember God is in control of ALL things. It is so easy to take Aaron's naps and the weather for granted but God is the one that places all things in our lives. Wow--what a revelation. Now Lord, please help me to keep it in the forefront of my mind at all times during the day and to be thankful for all you send my way--including all the challenges of being a wife and mom!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I understand those kinds of questions. Samuel can take forever to fall asleep and by the time he does I'm wondering if he needs to be up so he can sleep that night. I will be praying that God gives you wisdom and discernment.

Also, when you need to rest and he's sleeping... just go for it and get some shut-eye!