Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wild Horse Broken

God gave me an image a couple of days ago of a wild horse being broken--trained to do what is desired of it. And that image stirred up the "wild horse" I was before God in his mercy saved me. I wasn't an easy horse to train and the training is far from over nor is it any easier now than in 2002. But what grace and mercy is evident in the training. God loves his children and is not harsh when gentleness will do but will use harshness when gentleness is not heeded. But the wild horse learns and heeds the direction of the trainer. A trainer may use rewards of food and praise. A trainer may also use the bit to lead and direct. God rewards us here. No, we do not receive full reward on this earth, that will be in heaven but look at the beauty and blessings God does give on earth. And God's bit is His word. There is no need to question what God desires for us because he has provided our "bit" to direct us. Oh, there will be doubt and questions, but our trainer is faithful to provide the answer and direction, in His perfect timeing. How thankful is this wild horse that her trainer chose her!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Shell- What a good image to be reminded of. I tend to buck quite a bit at times. Thanks for the illustration. Hope you are well and submitting to the Lord's plan for your day :)

Big Hug,